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mandliyarajendra11's github profile

calculator is a basic calculation app for arithmetic operation

Thea Theme

priyankarpal's github profile

Thea theme is a visually stunning color theme for the popular code editor, Visual Studio Code


Sahilll15's github profile

FileDrop is a feature-rich File Sharing Application built with ReactJS, NodeJS, and JWT authentication. Securely share files with friends and colleagues using this powerful platform, which also utilizes JavaScript and EJS templating.


hritikd3's github profile

CocktailDB is a web application that allows users to explore a vast collection of cocktails, along with their prices, ingredients, and details

Caesar Cipher

whiteknight16's github profile

An encryptor decryptor app based on ancient Caesar and cipher technique

Movie Trailer

goketech's github profile

The movie-trailer app is a web application that allows users to search and view trailers for their favorite movies. The application is developed using reactjs and integrated with the TMD and YouTube APIs to fetch movie trailers. The application has a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes and features a search bar and filter option to help users navigate through the content.

Exchange Rate Converter Extension

crocmons's github profile

This is an Exchange Rate Converter Chrome Extension where anyone can convert their currency

Score Keeper

shagunZ's github profile

Built using reactjs, this app provides a user-friendly interface and real-time score updates. The app dynamically updates the scores in real-time, providing an interactive and engaging experience. The app incorporates a score limit feature and displays the winner when the score limit is reached.

Usability Hub

KhushiVaiskyar's github profile

UsabilityHub is a remote user research platform that takes the guesswork out of design decisions by validating them with real users.

Crypto Landing Page

Palakkgoyal's github profile

It is a clone of landing page